Lula supporters say Bolsonaro camp ‘brings doubt’ into voters’ minds

A day of feverish voting and under close surveillance. It is the climate that reigns around the presidential election in Brazil on Sunday, October 30, which will decide between the far-right outgoing president, Jaïr Bolsonaro, and the working-class left of Lula. The supporters of the first do not hesitate to maintain a certain ambiguity on the respect of the results in the event of defeat, as noted by franceinfo in Sao Paulo.

>> Presidential election in Brazil: a debate at loggerheads between Lula and Bolsonaro to end the campaign

Because even if Jair Bolsonaro’s last statement, Friday evening at the end of the debate, had the merit of being clear: “There is no doubt ! Whoever has the most votes wins! This is democracy“, the doubt persists. The outgoing president has regularly questioned the electoral system and the reliability of electronic ballot boxes.

He may have attempted fraud, says the director of the radio Jovem Pan, herself called to order during the campaign. But suspecting the electronic ballot box is an aberration, says Jairinho Mattos: “They have always been very reliable! Bolsonaro was elected five or six times with these ballot boxes. Same for his sons, the senator and the city councilman.

“That’s what scares me the most: insinuating doubt and dissuading Brazilians from voting. Our system must be democratic”

Jairinho Mattos, director of Brazilian radio Jovem Pan

at franceinfo

Insinuating doubt is precisely Jair Bolsonaro’s business, underlines lawyer Sydney Sanchez: “The Bolsonaro government needs this speech to speak with its electoral base. Instability is a theme on which he feels comfortable. All the institutions must therefore be concerned about this vote. This is a sensitive, delicate moment and the role of democratic institutions, of civil society, is to support and recognize the outcome of the ballot box, whatever it may be.

In recent hours some supporters have demonstrated that they were not of this opinion. One of the Bolsonaro sons, Eduardo, tried to postpone the election. Even crazier: federal deputy Carla Zambelli was filmed yesterday with a weapon [voir ci-dessus]. Several videos, relayed here by the socialist federal deputy Tabata Amaral, show her pointing her weapon at a Lula voter, in defiance of the calm and appeasement required by the democratic process.

In Brazil, the second round of the presidential election is taking place under tension – Report in Sao Paulo by Olivier Poujade

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