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The first round of the presidential election in Brazil was held on Sunday 2 October. The former president Lula came out on top with 48.4% of the vote, while his rival, the incumbent president I have r Bolsonarois only 5 points behind him. The second round therefore looks more uncertain than expected.
The first round of the Brazilian presidential election was held on Sunday 2 October. The outgoing far-right president, I have r Bolsonarothwarted the predictions of polling institutes, which already gave him the loser. He won 43.2% of the vote against 48.4% for his left-wing rival, the former president Lula. The latter is now preparing for a battle. “I’ve never won an election in the first round, it seems like fate likes to make me work a little harder”said Lula.
Despite poor management of Covid-19 with more than 680,000 dead in Brazil, the decline of the Amazon rainforest under his mandate and an ultra-liberal policy, I have r Bolsonaro continue to seduce. A popularity that offered itself significant support 48 hours before the first round, when the footballer Neymar called to vote for the incumbent president while dancing to campaign music by I have r Bolsonaro. Although the left of Lula remains favorite, nothing is decided for the second round, which will be held on October 30.