Luka and Leo | Éléonore Lagacé will find answers to young people’s questions

Children often ask a thousand and one questions about the world around them. As of next fall, they will find many answers to these thanks to Luka and Leoa new popular science program hosted by Éléonore Lagacé on Télé-Québec.

With comedian Luka Lemay, the singer who won the show Zenith last spring and which can currently be seen in the musical Hate will demystify great mysteries: “Why the slush cold gives a headache? Why do we have nightmares? Why do some mosquitoes bite more than others? »

In a press release, Télé-Québec indicates that to find answers to “all the questions of young people in Quebec”, the duo will be able to count on the help of science popularizer Massi Mahiou.

Experiments, meetings with experts, tests and amazing scenarios will be part of this program which, in the era of fake news, aims to entertain and educate young people.

Pierre-Yves Lord and his production company Saturne.5 are behind the design of Luka and Leo.

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