Ludovic Slimak investigated the causes of the disappearance of the Neanderthal man




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The disappearance of Neanderthal dates back 40,000 years. For 30 years, Ludovic Slimak investigation into the causes of his death. He reveals his findings in his book “Neanderthal naked”.

Ludovic Slimakpaleoanthropologist, researcher at CNRS is the author of Neanderthal naked. He wonders what killed the Neanderthal man. We still have bones, we still have flints, we still have their places of life: the caves”he explains. For him, the Neanderthal man did not disappear for climatic reasons. We still have a kind of remarkable synchrony between the arrival of Homo Sapiens and the disappearance of Neanderthals“, notes Ludovic Slimak.

Sapiens carry genes of Neanderthalwhat proves that their cohabitation gave rise to exchanges. Homo Sapiens arrived in greater numbers, with a better mastery of mechanical propulsion. We cannot exonerate, following this investigation, Homo Sapiens from this original crime.“, says Ludovic Slimak. According to him, the loss of Neanderthal is important, especially from the point of view of creativity.

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