Ludovic Beyhurst immediately leaves Limoges CSP and joins SLUC Nancy

“It’s the end of the adventure for me”. It was with a message recorded on his cell phone in a car that Ludovic Beyhurst sealed the end of his career with Limoges CSP. The leader from Strasbourg announced that he would leave the club with immediate effect this Saturday on the club’s social networks. “I would like to thank all the supporters, all the medical and sports staff of the club, but also the leaders who trusted me during these two years. continued Ludovic Beyhurst.

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In lack of playing time in Limoges

The Alsatian leader did not seem to fit into the game plans of Massimo Cancellieri, the new coach, who used him very little. He also suffered from three injuries during the summer which prevented his recovery. He was also put to the test, in competition with CJ Massinburg and to a lesser extent Gerry Blakes. Nevertheless, CSP sports director Crawford Palmer praises the qualities of Ludovic Beyhurst.

“Since his arrival in Limoges two years ago, Ludo has always symbolized the values ​​of effort, defense and energy in the service of the team. These are the traits we wanted to have in our squad. Hardworking and combative, he will always be invaluable to the teams for whom he will play.”

Ludovic Beyhurst therefore hopes to revive himself by joining SLUC Nancy Basket. Currently, the club is making a good start to the season with a third place in Pro B, second division of the French championship. “The contribution of an additional player will make it possible to secure position 1” explains Laurent Eisenbach, member of the Management Board in charge of Sports at Nancy Basket.

The Lorraine club therefore hopes to qualify it very quickly, from the next meeting of Nancy in Lille next Tuesday. In the meantime, Ludovic Beyhurst affirms it: “I will keep very beautiful memories of Limoges and I wish you all the best for the future!”

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