Lucile (Love is in the meadow) sublime in a wedding dress: behind the scenes of the preparations for her wedding

February 21, 2022 was a special day for Lucile. The contender of Love is in the meadow 2021 (M6) went on a trip with her mother and her mother-in-law… to try on a wedding dress. She did not fail to share some photos in Instagram story.

The young woman has been living a real fairy tale for a year. During the speed-dating, Jérôme fell in love with her. The 39-year-old market gardener and cereal farmer therefore invited her to his home and very quickly, they became a couple. Once the filming was over, Lucile moved in with him and in October 2021, they became the happy parents of Capucine. Next step: marriage. The farmer has indeed made his request at Christmas and once again, the lovebirds do not intend to waste time.

Lucile and Jérôme would like to get married next summer, so it was already time for the former SPA manager of go looking for her wedding dress. “Who’s the princess?“, she first launched, while filming the shop in which she was. The bride-to-be then filmed several dresses, before revealing herself by wearing one of them. A bare back piece, with tulle and lace at the bottom and slightly transparent in some places at the top.

A magical day with mom and stepmom“, she then wrote in the caption of a video of her spinning lightly, before she was put on a train. Finally, Lucile revealed herself with an extra veil. But we guess that’s not the dress she chose.”Alright… I’ll leave you the suspense now“, she concluded.

Internet users will therefore have to wait before discovering her with her wedding dress. A dress to which she should make alterations since she intends to lose weight before the big day. At the end of January, she revealed that she had already lost 3.3 kilos in one month. “My efforts are paying off. Above all, don’t give up, it’s only the beginning“, she said. She wanted to lose fifteen pounds before her union with Jérôme.

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