Lucile (Love is in the meadow) still slimmed down: the stunning before/after in pictures!

Since their meeting in Love is in the meadow, in front of the cameras of M6, Jérôme and Lucile spin the perfect love. The couple is preparing for their wedding and has already expanded the family! Indeed, the young woman gave birth to an adorable little girl named Capucine last October. Five months later, she who was struggling to shed her few pounds of pregnancy shares her impressive weight loss in pictures ! What bluff Internet users, proud of its physical evolution.

Monday March 28, 2022, the market gardener’s lover took to her Instagram account. In story, she evokes her silhouette and publishes a stunning before/after. In a first photo, Lucile poses in black leggings and sports bra. On the second shot, the same plum-colored outfit… and five pounds lighter ! Between her sharper thighs, her refined build and a much less swollen belly, this weight loss is clearly visible. “My objective is above all an objective for keep healthy, have another child without piling on the pounds… Then comes the purely aesthetic side“, indicates the young mother.

Her pretty figure, Lucile the “totally assumes, with ten kilos more or less“.”I’ll never be Pamela Anderson, besides I’ve always been plump, and I don’t want itshe continues. I simply aspire to find the form and the line. Every woman is unique and beautiful regardless of the number on the scale.“A sentence so true, as confirmed by a loved one.”My mom always has the right words“, indicates Lucile before quoting Saint-Exupéry: “One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.

At the beginning of March, the young woman was already talking about her weight loss. Still on the image-sharing social network, Lucile revealed that she wanted to lose ten pounds before her wedding to Jérôme scheduled for next summer. “I lost 4 kilos, but there really I stagnated with catering tastings, the agricultural fair, friends at home. I am not in a phase of great loss. But I keep going, I won’t let go“, she said. A determination that paid off since since then she has again lost a kilo! She has thus reached half of her goal.

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