Lucile (Love is in the meadow) always thinner: new weight loss before marriage

In October 2021, Lucile and Jerome have experienced the great happiness of becoming parents for the first time, only a year after they met on the set of Love is in the meadow (2020). The adorable Capucine, who has grown up a lot since birth, has naturally been the center of their attention ever since. But, the farmer and the one who was his suitor do not forget each other. Lucile has taken special care of her since she gave birth, wanting to lose all her pregnancy pounds, if not a little more. And her motivation, she draws it from the idea that her marriage to Jérôme could not be delayed any longer.

Indeed, to be sure to be the most beautiful on D-Day, the bubbly young woman makes intensive efforts on a daily basis, whether through sports sessions or through a good diet. It is undoubtedly his new routine that inspired him to write a cookbook. Be that as it may, Lucile is getting ever closer to her goal. In story Instagram, she shared a before / after that speaks for itself. A first photo dates from last January and another from “today”, Thursday July 21, 2022. In leggings and bras, she adopts the same posture on the two shots but the change is quite noticeable. Lucile has slimmed down a lot, and everywhere! “I lost 8 kilos and 4cm for the thighs, 1cm for the breasts, 2cm for the waist, 7cm for the navel, 6cm for the hips“, she clarified. (See our slideshow).

When she set out to lose weight, Lucile challenged herself to to shed 10 kilos for the wedding. It is clear that she has almost won her bet. She specified, however, not to seek thinness at all costs, well aware of her curves that she likes. “I’ll never be Pamela Anderson, besides I’ve always been plump, and I don’t want it. I simply aspire to find the form and the line. Every woman is unique and beautiful regardless of the number on the scale“, she reminded her community.

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