Lucile (Love is in the meadow): 1st day of her EVJF, photos and videos in good company

After meeting in Love is in the meadow in 2021, the couple had quickly moved in together and Jérôme asked her for her hand at Christmas. Parent of a little girl named Capucine (born in October 2021), the couple however received several criticisms from subscribers who felt that they should wait before getting married.

Sure of herself and of her couple, Lucile had replied on Instagram: “Why wait especially? Wait for what ? We have everything we dreamed of. The love is there with the evidence that we have found a soul mate. Our parents are still alive and fit to participate in this memorable day. We can’t wait to unite. We are of those who crunch life to the fullest, happiness is now“.

And if for some, the arrival of a child disturbs the harmony of the couple, certainly not for Lucile and Jérôme! “We were already inseparable, but it made us even more convinced that we were made for each other.“, she confided. Besides, baby 2 would be scheduled after the wedding…!

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