She announced in the economic daily “La Tribune” her intention to “seek tax and social revenues of 150 billion euros by 2027”.
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The senior civil servant is advancing her pawns. Lucie Castets, candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP) at Matignon, announces in an interview with The gallerySunday July 28, which she wishes to launch “a major tax reform” if she is appointed Prime Minister. In this context, she does not have “primary objective of respecting the stability pact” European which limits the public deficit to 3%. “This one was poorly renegotiated. France will propose a new discussion”she specifies.
France has been placed under excessive public deficit procedure by the European Commission, after posting a deficit of 5.5% of GDP in 2023, a first since the suspension of budgetary rules in 2020 with the Covid crisis.
Lucie Castets announced in the economic daily her intention to go “seek tax and social revenues of 150 billion euros by 2027, in order to finance our program and reduce the deficit”Her tax reform will focus, she emphasizes, on “the progressivity of income tax” Who “will increase to 14 tranches”, as provided for in the NFP program. That is, “a tax cut” For “a large part of households”assures this graduate of the ENA who was revealed to the general public less than a week ago.
Lucie Castets also wishes that “tax expatriates pay their taxes to the French tax authorities, as American expatriates do to the United States tax authorities”. It also confirms an expansion of “taxation of assets” and the return of the wealth tax (ISF). Concerning businesses, it recommends stopping the “the most expensive measures, for example reductions in contributions, which are oversized”.