With the Olympic Games over, the head of state is slow to give a name for Matignon. Lucie Castet, the candidate of the New Popular Front, continues to keep up the pressure.
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The political truce is coming to an end. The day after the closing ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, on Monday 12 August, Emmanuel Macron called on political forces to “work together” in a speech full of metaphors. The new government has still not been named. And even if the President of the Republic sweeps aside the Lucie Castets option, the Paris councilor, candidate of the New Popular Front, seeks to maintain the standoff.
Lucie Castets occupies the space, putting a piece here and there. In an interview with Paris Matchwhile France has its eyes fixed on the Olympic Games, she reveals her homosexuality. Then in a letter sent the day after the Olympics to all MPs, excluding RN, she reveals the roadmap of a possible government of the New Popular Front. She presents priorities, such as increasing salaries or fairer taxation, but without returning to this measure which could anger some of the Macronists: the reestablishment of the wealth tax.
In her letter, she details above all what she considers to be a new way of working in the Assembly. Lucie Castets pleads, for example, for a better distribution of rapporteur positions on each text, between the different political groups – it is a key position – or for sharing the parliamentary agenda, that is to say giving more time to each group to examine its texts. This is what has already been done in part since 2022, since the presidential camp was deprived of an absolute majority, but which has not helped to unblock the situation.
Lucie Castets intends to take advantage of this transition period, while Emmanuel Macron is slow to announce the name of a Prime Minister, five weeks after the legislative elections. He continues his cycle of commemoration with the 80th anniversary of the Landing in Provence celebrated on August 15. The head of state has also already swept aside the name of Lucie Castets. “That she be appointed is not the most probable, but the most desirablesays a close friend of this public services specialist, “We don’t give up”.
For the candidate of the New Popular Front at Matignon, interventions in the media are on the agenda in the coming days. Then, there is the return of the left which will put pressure on the head of state. A meeting of the New Popular Front is planned during the summer days of the Ecologists, on August 22, with Lucie Castets on stage. A way of imposing her pace, to accelerate that of the president, who continues to consult.