Lucie Castets considers a “coalition with the presidential camp” to be “impossible” due to profound disagreements.

The candidate for the post of Prime Minister, proposed by the NFP, was the guest of France Inter on Wednesday morning.


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Lucie Castets, candidate of the New Popular Front for the post of Prime Minister, on July 24 on France Inter. (FRANCE INTER / RADIO FRANCE)

“A coalition with the presidential camp is impossible due to our profound disagreements”said Lucie Castets, candidate of the New Popular Front for Matignon, on France Inter on Wednesday July 24. The senior civil servant assures that she is capable of “reaching out within the framework of the New Popular Front” as well as to “living forces of the Nation, to civil society”But she closes the door to any coalition with the presidential camp, justifying herself by having “always taken political disagreements seriously”

Lucie Castets believes that it “There is no possible coalition between people who think that public services need to be funded more and those who think that it is urgent to reduce resources”.

“There is no possible agreement between those who want everyone to pay their fair share of taxes and those who instead propose tax breaks for the most advantaged.”

Lucie Castets, candidate of the New Popular Front for Matignon

on France Inter

The New Popular Front does not have an absolute majority in the National Assembly, having obtained 193 deputies at the end of the second round of early legislative elections. But this will not prevent the left-wing coalition from trying to implement its program, argues Lucie Castets. “It will be a matter of convincing the Assembly to adopt these measures”she explains, while acknowledging that this “will be complicated” for lack of an absolute majority.

The senior official specifies that it will therefore be a question of “work together”of “convince text after text, law after law” based on the NFP program. “We will seek agreements (…)we will seek coalitions”she says. She particularly raises the question “public services” Or “ecological subjects” which she judges elsewhere “absolutely decisive for the future of our Nation”. “We will be able to find broad agreements in the Assembly on this subject and the deputies will take their responsibilities in this regard”she insists.

“The disintegration of public services was part of what fuelled the votes for the National Rally”believes the senior official who is therefore convinced that “MPs outside the New Popular Front will take responsibility when we propose texts likely to improve the functioning of public services”. “Civil service competitions are no longer attractive and it is not just a question of salary, it is also a question of working conditions and resources”she laments.

The candidate of the New Popular Front for Matignon considers that the means “are insufficient to meet the needs of our fellow citizens” and that it is perceived “every day in the hospital, in the courts and at school”. For Lucie Castets, this is more generally due to the “vision on the place we want to give to public services in our social pact”However, the senior official believes that “We have gradually destroyed the meaning of public service, we have deprived public service of its main objective which is to serve the public, to respond to people’s needs”. She mentions in particular the “overvaluation of the functioning of the private sector”L’“outsourcing of certain missions, including missions which were entirely devolved to the State, in particular intellectual services”citing the example of “the McKinsey controversy”.

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