LREM MP Aurore Bergé calls for a “common front against violence” targeting elected officials

In particular, she invites “all presidential candidates” to “express themselves clearly on the subject”.

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She says stop. LREM deputy Aurore Bergé calls for a “united front against violence in public debate” and calls for sanctions “up to the violence of the threats” and attacks that are increasing against elected officials, sometimes linked to the health crisis.

“The battle of ideas has become a street fight”, deplores in the Sunday Newspaper (subscribers article) the elected representative of Yvelines, herself the victim of threats. “There is a form of weakness in the response of society and some politicians”, she laments.

Aurore Bergé invites in particular “all the presidential candidates” at “express themselves clearly on the subject” and to “ask their own activists to be extremely vigilant about their actions and words on social networks”. “To say nothing is to endorse. There is a real problem with some, on the far right and the far left, who legitimize violence”, believes the member.

The President (LREM) of the National Assembly Richard Ferrand announced Thursday that he would make a “precise point” in January with the Interior Ministers Gérald Darmanin and Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti on these threats and attacks against elected officials.

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