LREM is recruiting, particularly in the government

On the single day of Monday, January 3, according to our information, a dozen new employees joined the campaign HQ of La République En Marche. Teams supposed to prepare everything for the day when Emmanuel Macron will be a candidate. Un open secret that gently makes these new recruits laugh, but by the official announcement, they have their work cut out for them: it is necessary to mobilize the supports, the elected officials, pre-book rooms or even organize the response of communication, even if the president is not yet in the arena. In short, as one advisor soberly sums it up: “a campaign is getting ready”.

Among these recruits, iThere are alumni of the 2017 campaign, dprofiles in logistics, communication, relations with elected officials in project management … Many are from the government: dn recent recruitments, we find for example the former chief of staff of the Minister of Overseas Sébastien Lecornu, who arrived yesterday; the former chief of staff of Jean-Baptiste Djebbari at Transport; L’former Deputy Chief of Staff of Amélie de Montchalin in the Civil Service.

These senior officials, recruited for their dedication and efficiency, have left sometimes prestigious positions to join the future campaign. But all these newcomers are not going to work within LREM: for legal reasons, to validate the campaign accounts, it is necessary to compartmentalize. These recruitments are therefore independent of the party, and theMost contracts end on April 24, the date of the second round.

Everything is planned to separate the electoral campaign from the party. With even a little real estate tip: the new LREM headquarters, 2,800 m2 in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, is a corner building with two entrances. The first is located rue du Rocher, for La République En Marche, and a another street in Edinburgh, where the campaign teams work. This is where the associations supporting the re-election of Emmanuel Macron are located. One building, two entrances: it’s the return of “At the same time”!

On the date of official candidacy of Emmanuel Macron, nothing specific at this stage. MBut we will note this confidence this weekend from a minister very close to the Head of State, who relies on a declaration in early February: “He’s going to let January and the Omicron wave go by”, he slipped. Corn all this is just speculation: officially, there is no campaign planned for Emmanuel Macron.

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