LREM deputy Romain Grau attacked by anti-pass demonstrators

“I received a punch on the chin”, says the parliamentarian.

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LREM deputy Romain Grau, as well as a parliamentary adviser to the Minister of Justice and one of the parliamentarian’s neighbors, were attacked on Saturday January 22 in Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales) by demonstrators against the health pass who attacked his permanence.

“I was working with Guillem Gervilla, parliamentary adviser to Eric Dupond-Moretti, when all of a sudden we heard a horde of people heading towards the office and then banging on the windows”, describes Romain Grau to AFP, estimating their number at more than 250. “We went out to talk to them and there, we were taken to task very violently. They clearly wanted to make us crack with rather heavy insults. One of my neighbors intervened and got slapped. I received a punch to the chin. We finally managed to sneak upstairs and they dispersed after breaking a window.”

Romain Grau announced his desire to file a complaint on Sunday. The prefect of Pyrénées-Orientales assures, in a tweet, that “everything will be done to identify the perpetrators [des violences].”

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