LREM deputy for Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Stéphane Claireaux will file a complaint after his attack

The elected representative of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon was attacked in front of his home on Sunday, on the sidelines of a rally opposing the health pass.

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The deputy La République en Marche of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, Stéphane Claireaux announces on franceinfo that he will file a complaint after being assaulted in front of his home on the sidelines of the demonstrations against the health pass on Sunday, January 9. Minister Annick Girardin denounced on franceinfo “scandal”, and claimed that the authors “be identified and prosecuted”.

franceinfo: What happened?

Stéphane Claireaux: I was waiting for the demonstrators so that I could talk to them. There was a car loaded with seaweed, seaweed, and people started throwing me at me. It looked like stoning. My wife came to join me on the front steps of the house. I avoided to close to 5 cm a pebble which passed near our face. It was becoming irrational. There is one who tore off the mask I had on my face, saying that the virus does not exist. Discussion was impossible. There were insults, abuse. In Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, you all know each other and you have in front of you people you know, but their faces are so distorted by hatred that you can no longer recognize them. It’s surreal.

What are you planning to do ?

I am going to file a complaint, it is obvious. Some may think that the wrong decisions are made. We all receive death threats by email, at some point it has to stop.

Was the situation tense in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon?

Until now, the territory had been preserved from the Covid epidemic, but since Christmas we have been facing an explosion in the spread of the virus locally. The prefect therefore made the decision to implement the health pass in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon from next Wednesday. From there the protest rose in the population and there was today [dimanche] an organized event. She had to pass in front of the prefect’s residence and in front of my home.

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