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The campaign for the legislative elections is launched on Tuesday, May 10, for the candidates of the presidential majority. They have been meeting since the beginning of the day in the Paris region. Who are they ?
The LREM candidates are ready, Tuesday, May 10, for the battle of the legislative elections, and gathered for the kick-off. In 2017, many were novices, and embodied the new world. Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of Education, is now a candidate. He is seeking a deputy’s mandate for the first time.
The candidates paraded during the day for their campaign photo. Among them, mayors close to Emmanuel Macron. “In the field, we are in direct contact with the reality of everyday life”, justifies Karl Olive, mayor of Poissy (Yvelines). Exit candidates without experience as in 2017, priority is given to the faithful, and to experience. Among them, Amélie de Montchalin, who facilitated a training workshop for the campaign. The party also highlights some newcomers, such as LREM spokesperson Maud Bregeon, chosen for her loyalty.