LR will not give voting instructions on the evening of the first round when their candidates are not in the running

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09:19 : Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne will be interviewed on France Bleu at 1 p.m. You can follow the show live, and the radio collects questions from listeners. If you have a question to submit to him, you can do so on 08 10 05 50 56, announces presenter Wendy Bouchard.

09:16 : The Republicans will not give voting instructions for the second round of the legislative elections when their candidates are not qualified, whatever the poster, says Bruno Retailleau on France 2. “The voting instructions no longer work, it even annoys people”believes the president of the LR group in the Senate.

08:59 : .@JLMelenchon in Matignon? “The president will be reasonable, he will appoint the winner,” he believes, “otherwise we will not vote for confidence”. #le79Inter

09:06 : “I don’t know why they make me this image of an anti-cop, I’ve never been”defends the person concerned on France Inter, simultaneously. “I am against the disproportionate use of violence. State violence is legitimate because it is proportionate”justifies Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

09:05 : The police kill and the rebel group Alliance justifies the shootings and the death for ‘refusal to comply’. When is shame?, wrote yesterday Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Twitter in reaction to this fatal shot. A tweet which also makes certain personalities react among the allies of La France insoumise within the Nupes, says our journalist Benjamin Mathieu.

08:49 : ? “That Mr. Mélenchon makes his business from the permanent criticism of the police, it’s a scandal! And he would like to be Prime Minister, never in life!”, @xavierbertrand in #RTLMatin with @VenturaAlba https://

08:48 : ? Police control in Paris: Jean-Luc Mélenchon talks about “death penalty for refusing to comply” ➡️ “He says above all ‘the police kills’. He commits extremely heavy defamation of the police” , for Marine Le Pen, who denounces an “anti-police ideology”.

08:48 : Marine Le Pen is a guest of franceinfo this morning. She attacks Jean-Luc Mélenchon after his tweet reacting to the death of a woman after a police shooting in Paris on Saturday: “Jean-Luc Mélenchon is always on the side of thugs, criminals, he is never on the side of the police”. Earlier, on RTL, Xavier Bertrand was already accusing the rebellious leader of doing “his business of permanent criticism of the police”.

08:08 : “We must reform, relieve congestion and debureaucratize the hospital because we are dying of it” ? @BrunoRetailleau, senator and president of the LR group in the Senate, on the hospital crisis ▶ #Les4V

08:31 : On this day of mobilization at the public hospital, Bruno Retailleau defends on France 2 the creation of an additional year of studies for future general practitioners, during which they should practice “in a medical desert”for “unclog” the emergencies. The leader of the LR senators also pleads for more managed hospitals “artisanal”where “Big decisions can be made by doctors”.

07:46 : On his side, The liberated Dauphiné looks at a phenomenon that you may have observed in your constituency: the presence in the list of candidates of personalities “ghosts”, which do not always have posters, do not campaign in the field or in the media. The regional daily wonders in particular about the candidacy in Isère of a woman residing in Lorraine.

07:25 : Five days before the first round of the legislative elections, Le Figaro evokes concern and “floating feeling” in the presidential majority, which we were also talking about yesterday. Releasefor his part, observes a “momentum” in the Nupes countryside. Even if its reports in four departments show that, on the ground, the agreement between the militants of the various parties of the alliance is not always simple.

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