The text of the LR senators calls for the lowering of the criminal majority, the temporary withdrawal of the right to social housing and family benefits to the families of convicted minors.
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LR senators have tabled a bill “for a firmer and more dissuasive justice against juvenile offenders and their families“, learned franceinfo Tuesday, July 4 from the senator LR of Bouches-du-Rhône Stéphane Le Rudulier, initiator of the text, confirming information from the Parisian. The LR senators want “change the law to better protect the representatives of law enforcement and the State but also to condemn more strongly minor offenders while empowering their families“. The text pleads to include minimum sentences and firm imprisonment in the event of an attack on elected officials or representatives of the State.
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“This violence against the representatives of the State reaches a record level, a sign of an advanced decivilization“, estimate the elected LR. The bill also wishes that “minors aged 16 and 17 systematically incur the same penal sanctions as adults“.”The criminal majority must therefore be lowered in order to punish these minors with certainty.“, asks the text.
The elect also want “withdraw all family benefits and all rights to social housing from those who are responsible for a child who has been convicted of a crime or misdemeanor“. The allocation of social housing would thus be “limited to the end of the execution of the sentence and family benefits would be suspended during the first twelve months of the sentence. In the event of a repeat offence, family benefits would be suspended throughout the period of the sentence“.