LR plans “without enthusiasm” to designate François-Xavier Bellamy as head of the list

LR is still waiting to nominate its head of list for the European elections on June 9. But the current head of the LR delegation to the European Parliament François-Xavier Bellamy is likely to end up winning the bet.

An IFOP survey for Le Figaro Wednesday October 18 brought a smile to a senior LR officer: “Bellamy is at 8-8.5%, that’s not bad!”. The right would be satisfied with the same score as in the last European elections: 8.48%. In 2019, it was synonymous with the worst debacle for LR. A relative fiasco since Valérie Pécresse received less than 5% in the 2022 presidential election. François-Xavier Bellamy ended up convincing initially reluctant elected officials because he showed himself “combative, hardworking” they say. “We are going to end up with François-Xavier Bellamy, without enthusiasm”, explains a manager.

Few alternative applications

In any case, who else but him to wear the colors of the right? The question is stirring behind the scenes. The alternative magic candidate does not yet exist. The hypothesis Vincent Jeanbrun, the mayor of L’Haÿ Les Roses, in Val de Marne, whose home was burned down during the riots at the beginning of the summer, did not really prosper. “He was not good during the debate organized by Livre noir, the extreme right-wing magazine, so that weighs him down a bit,” decides an LR leader. This leader is no more enthusiastic about media lawyer Charles Consigny and his offensive campaign to win the head of the list: “it’s nice but not serious”he torpedoes.

We always come back to François-Xavier Bellamy. “If Eric Ciotti chooses it, it won’t be by default,” promises someone close to the boss of LR. A concern is still palpable. If Emmanuel Macron draws the law on the end of life before the European elections, François-Xavier Bellamy risks being returned to his very conservative profile again.

The right has modest ambitions for the election on Sunday June 9. The priority is to make more than 5% to keep European elected officials. The other challenge “it’s to arrive in front of Marion Maréchal, our real match is with Reconquête to show that the Zemmour adventure is over”, summarizes an LR leader, well aware that the Macronist and RN lists are out of reach. In the IFOP survey for Le Figaro, François-Xavier Bellamy does not get eaten by Marion Maréchal. It is at 5.5 – 6% despite its objective of attracting the LR electorate. But the campaign hasn’t really started yet.

Exemptions from contributions

Will the elimination of exemptions from contributions on salaries between 2.5 minimum wage and 3.5 minimum wage see the light of day? Not sure, because the government wants to get rid of this amendment to the Social Security budget voted on last week in committee. “It would be contrary to our competitiveness policy,” justifies Bercy. If the measure were to be voted on in the hemicycle, the government could remedy it with 49.3. The examination of the Social Security Financing Bill is examined in session from Tuesday, October 24.

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