LR number 3 calls for “breaking with Sarkozyism” and demands “a right to inventory”

The secretary general of the Republicans Aurélien Pradié calls, in an interview with the “Point”, to rebuild a “popular right”.

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Change era. The secretary general of the Republicans Aurélien Pradié calls for “break with sarkozysm” and rebuild a “popular right”in an interview with Point published on Saturday May 7. “What I learned the most from Nicolas Sarkozy was the meaning of rupture. It was his desire to break with chiraquismo that allowed him to succeed. I’m sure he won’t hold it against me. not to say that today, we must break with Sarkozyism”says the number 3 of the party.

“A right inventory right is necessary.”

Aurélien Pradié, number 3 of LR

on point”

“Since 2012, the French right has been weighed down by the weight of all those who had failed at different electoral deadlines. It’s time to cut the cords”he adds, thinking “certain that we will, suddenly, breathe better”.

“When your party achieves a score of less than 5% in the presidential election, we are no longer at simple adjustments, we are at the revolution”, he adds, referring to Valérie Pécresse’s score of 4.8% in the first round of the presidential election. He also believes that “the time has come” for his political family “to become a popular right again” because “the history of the French right, since General de Gaulle, has always been to take an interest in the social question before the concern for identity”which is a “error” according to him.

In this approach, “the young guard can be useful” he believes, assuring that“It’s not a battle of generations”. “Choosing a chef will come in due time”add the general secretary of LR for who “There is still a lesson to all of this: put an end to the primary system”by which LR had nominated its presidential candidate last December.

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