LR expects “a method” of dialogue with the opposition, says party secretary general

“What I’m waiting for is a method”, declared the secretary general of the Les Républicains (LR) party, Aurélien Pradié, on Wednesday July 6 on franceinfo, a few hours from the Prime Minister’s general policy speech. “It’s all very well to explain to us for several weeks that we are going to co-build, that we are going to share the work, that we are going to listen better to the opposition”, launched the one who is also a deputy for Lot. For him, “all of these are stories to put children to sleep”. Aurélien Pradié wants to know “what we actually do” and “on which subjects we are advancing”.

>>> Reshuffle: three questions on Elisabeth Borne’s general policy statement before the National Assembly this Wednesday

“A few days ago, through the voice of our group chairman, Olivier Marleix, we sent the Prime Minister a series of extremely concrete proposals on which we said ‘this will allow us to move forward in the interest of the country'”precise the general secretary of LR. Proof, according to him, that the party “is not in a stupid and wicked opposition, like others”(sic).

Thus, it is for Aurélien Pradié “no question of voting the motion of censure with the Insoumis and Jean-Luc Mélenchon” even if LR “will not support the general policy of this government”. In reality, it is all the parliamentary groups that form the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) that will table a motion of censure against the government. They will do so before the start of Elisabeth Borne’s general policy speech scheduled for 3 p.m.

Vote this motion,”wouldn’t make sense,” considers Aurélien Pradié because, according to him, “in a complicated period, we need clear and simple positions”. “I do not support the government, nor do I support the political project of Nupes”, insisted the number 2 of LR. If the right-wing party has “not tabled a motion of censure”he continues, is that he “does not want to block the country”. On the contrary, Aurélien Pradié says to act for “to move things forward in the interest of the French”.

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