LR Claude de Ganay will have an opponent on the right, but will he have one from LREM?

Unlike the other candidates invested by the LRs in the Loiret (except Chrystel de Filippi, who will start on May 13, and François Lagarde, who threw in the towel), Claude de Ganay has still not officially started his campaign for the legislative elections. A questioning situation, while the outgoing deputy of the 3rd constituency is seeking a third term.

Jean-Luc Riglet, a big pebble in the shoe of the outgoing MP

Claude de Ganay knows that he will have to face an opponent from his ranks: UDI Jean-Luc Rigletvice-president of the Department of Loiret and mayor of Sully-sur-Loire formalized his candidacy last night. “In a democracy, everyone has the right to represent themselves.justifies Jean-Luc Riglet. I have no particular problem with anyone, I am a candidate for the people of this constituency where I have been a local elected official for almost 40 years, and which I therefore know very well.

This application is obviously bad news for the incumbent, especially since Jean-Luc Riglet received the support of Marc Gaudet, the president of the Department of Loiret, as well as Francis Cammal, the mayor of Gien. And this in a context where Valérie Pécresse, the LR candidate in the presidential election, had obtained only 5.3% on April 10.

The temptation of “Sarko-Macron-compatible”

Whence the temptation for Claude de Ganay to look elsewhere? Especially on the side of the presidential majority? Rumors have been going around for several weeks now. And according to our information, his name was indeed proposed among the twenty outgoing LR deputies sponsored by Nicolas Sarkozy as part of a rapprochement with Emmanuel Macron – without formally joining the presidential party. These elected officials would take the risk of being excluded by the LRs, but would have the advantage of not having a Macronist candidate facing them.

This hypothesis does not necessarily delight the local activists of the presidential majority. “Not reliable enough“, “too conservative“, comment some. Others would prefer that Nicolas-Bertrand, the LREM referent of Loiret, be chosen as a candidate, especially since he is already a municipal councilor in Ligny-le-Ribault, a municipality located in this 3rd district of Loiret – which gives him the beginning of local anchoring, this which is not so common within LREM. But it is obviously at the highest level that all this will be decided.

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