Lower prices at the pump, purchasing power law, wearing a tie in the National Assembly … Laure Lavalette’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Laure Lavalette, MP for Var and spokesperson for the National Rally group in the National Assembly, was the guest of franceinfo, Friday July 22, 2022.

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The deputy from Var and spokesperson for the National Rally group in the National Assembly was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo Friday July 22, 2022. She answered questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neïla Latrous.

Lower prices at the pump by TotalEnergies: “It’s the least we can do”

That’s the lesser of it“, reacted on franceinfo Laure Lavalette, after the announcement Friday morning by TotalEnergie of a drop of 20 euro cents on the price at the pump of fuels between September 1 and November 1, 2022. It doesn’t make you dream either“, she added. “We’re tired of rebates, we’re tired of checks. We also want to have structural and lasting answers.”

The text on purchasing power adopted: “Better crumbs than scarcity”

“Better the crumbs than the scarcity. We found it important to give purchasing power to the French“, justified Laure Lavalette while the party of Marine Le Pen voted in the night the bill on purchasing power. “It was necessary to restore purchasing power to the French. This law is completely imperfect, but we said it from the beginning, we knew it would be imperfect“, she explained. “We have nevertheless clearly explained from the start that we would be a constructive opposition and that it was urgent to restore purchasing power to our fellow citizens.“, underlined the deputy of the Var.

Wearing a tie in the National Assembly: “The Nupes deputies come as they could go to the beach”

Wearing a tie doesn’t seem aberrant to me“, estimated the spokesperson for the RN group in the National Assembly, about the proposal by deputy LR Eric Ciotti to make the tie compulsory for male deputies in the hemicycle. Laure Lavalette spoke of a “respect“of the institution:”When we saw the Nupes deputies arrive, cross-legged on the lawn of the bar, even the ushers hallucinated saying that they had never seen that.”

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