Love is in the meadow: Unexpected “love at first sight” between two candidates, revelations months later

This Monday, November 14, M6 will broadcast the second part of the results of Love is in the meadow, thus signing the very end of season 17. Last week, viewers had already been able to attend the chatting sessions between Karine Le Marchand and a first salvo of farmers, including Thierry who revealed that he was dating a new woman or even the Corsican Sébastien, but also Noémie and Alain. For the young woman, the adventure has proven to be beneficial since she still makes perfect love with the farmer she covets, Guillaume. On the other hand, it was alone that Alain appeared in front of the facilitator. Completely different experiences therefore for the two candidates and yet, an accomplice bond was woven between them.

On Instagram, Noémie was happy to finally be able to lift the veil on her relationship with Alain, who has become her best friend behind the scenes. The brunette who was humiliated for a long time during her youth even considers him “his best encounter” in the caption of his publication, not hesitating to declare all his love to him. “Today, I would like to tell you about my most beautiful encounter during this adventure (after my island rabbit), this friendly crush that few experience in their lives, a support, a companion in nonsense but above all an acquaintance who is become a friend. A very dear friend to me, so yes we haven’t known each other for a thousand years but I’m closer to you in six months than to some people in ten years. I wanted to tell you and especially to tell you: Alain, I love you“, we read.

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