Love is in the meadow: The question of sex causes the breakup of a couple (SPOILER)

In Love is in the meadow This year, Alain is undoubtedly one of the hottest bunnies of the season! He proved it with his contender Marie Ange. The retired cowboy-looking farmer had fallen for her when he read her mail and his crush was confirmed once the speed dating. It was therefore only natural that he had invited her to his home on the farm.

And while everything seemed to be going well, Alain ended up cooling down his nature lover like him, the fault of his too pronounced penchant for intimate encounters. In the next episode of Love is in the meadow, which will be broadcast on October 31 on M6 but which is already available on Salto, Marie-Ange therefore explained that she had made a radical decision. “Yesterday we had a great time at the party, it was very nice, but we both felt that we had things to clear up. So we had a good discussion. And, as a result, we are not on the same wavelength and the adventure ended there“, she said.

We didn’t drink much to Alain’s dismay

Marie-Ange then clarified their main disagreement: “There is still something on which we are very, very different, it is the intimate approach. Because Alain is immediately ready but I can’t have a relationship with someone after five days, I need to discover much more the person with whom I will do this act. And so, we didn’t drink much to Alain’s dismay. That’s something he experienced very badly.”

Before she packed her bags, Marie-Ange shared a last breakfast with Alain, during which they had time to debrief. The bubbly candidate thus assured that she had spent a “great” week by her side, but Alain had probably still not recovered from his repeated refusals. “We agree, except that the goal was not there. Me, I wanted to find a real companion and the outcome meant that nothing came of it. We don’t have quite the same definition of words“, he told him. And for him to confide to the cameras once alone: ​​“The question of sex, we are not connected at all. Last night, I offered to sleep with her, she said ‘yes but we’re really going to sleep’. So ok, I’m not here to force anyone, now if there’s nothing, nothing happens, it’s no longer spontaneity“.

In conclusion, Alain said to himself “hugely disappointed“.”I think we’re missing something. There was a misunderstanding“, he regretted.

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