Love is in the meadow: Sébastien and Karine still as a couple, this photo that delights fans

Love is in the meadow (M6) has changed the lives of many farmers. Thanks to the dating show presented by Karine Le Marchand, many people have found love and sometimes even started a family. We think in particular of the emblematic couple of season 7 Pierre and Frédérique (2012). Sebastian (47 years old) also had the pleasure of meeting his half and since then, it’s always been happiness.

When the candidate of Love is in the meadow 2021 participated in the program, he had been divorced for three years. He hoped to finally break with the loneliness that weighed on him. And Sébastien did well to get started because during the speed-dating stage, he fell in love with Karine, a beautiful 47-year-old brunette who lived in Paris. This attraction was confirmed when her suitor came to her farm in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Very quickly, the lavender farmer and cattle breeder exchanged his first kiss with his beauty. And since then, they have not left each other.

When he was the victim of a quad accident at the start of their relationship, Karine was by his side to help him at home or on his farm. An ordeal that only strengthened their ties. The mother of the family and Sébastien therefore made the decision to move in together. A step they took at the end of 2021. Since then, they are still in love and prove it by sharing a few photos on their Instagram account. Monday April 4, 2022, for example, they unveiled a photo at the restaurant. We can see the lovebirds fixing the lens with a small smile. A shot that delighted their community. In the comments, Internet users let them know that they were both beautiful. Something to warm their hearts even more.

On March 18, it was just as happy and complicit that they had posed to wish their community a good weekend.

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