Love is in the meadow: Florian and Lola victims of a mishap, the drama narrowly avoided

Lola and Florian had not given their news for a while but one thing is certain, the emblematic couple of Love is in the meadow (2020) always spins the perfect love. For the Christmas holidays, they proved it by sharing a beautiful photo of their accomplice duo at the foot of their tree. But a few days later, they made a much less cheerful announcement. Indeed, this Wednesday, December 29, 2021, Lola indicated in story Instagram that flooding occurrences in the Creuse had affected their operations.

It was in the early morning that the pretty brunette noticed the damage. Through her videos, she appeared walking in pools of water on the road to her farm following heavy rains the day before. The flood was of such importance that we no longer even see his boots on the images. (See our slideshow). The department in which the couple is installed was elsewhere placed in yellow vigilance.This morning we were on the verge of finding the farm flooded“, she confided. But luckily, Lola and Florian avoided the worst.

Recall that it was during the filming of season 15 of Love is in the meadow that Florian and Lola fell in love with each other. The 37-year-old suckler cow breeder in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, who has been in a wheelchair since an accident, quickly showed his preference for the latter. Their love story had resisted the departure of the cameras since they had appeared together in the balance sheet. “I could see myself leaving everything if it was going well. In contact with Florian, I gained a little more self-confidence. He was quickly demonstrative“, Lola had notably declared to Karine Le Marchand. Since then, everything seems to be going wonderfully for lovers who are discreet and who limit their exposure on social networks. It is also sometimes necessary to count on their friends from the M6 ​​program. to make sure they are still well and truly together.

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