Love is in the meadow: Drunk, a farmer strikes and threatens the gendarmes… the heavy penalty has fallen!

One of the farmers Love is in the meadow (M6) is back in the spotlight. But it is not for his projects that he is talking about him again. The man in question was sentenced by the courts after a violent altercation.

Thierry Olive was revealed to the general public in 2012. The cow breeder made an impression with his many naughty jokes and his story with Annie, whom he married in September of the same year. But today, this is not why he is talked about. Last February, in the town of Lorey (Manche), motorists saw a van towing a trailer from the bottom of a ditch. They wanted to intervene to help him but soon found that he was intoxicated. So they preferred call the cops who quickly came to the scene. And when they arrived, the former M6 candidate got angry.

An altercation therefore started between Thierry Olive and the police. the farmer insulted them, threatened them with death and beat them. It was therefore handcuffed in order to be subduedhis behavior not being usual because of his blood alcohol level that was 1.84 grams of alcohol per liter of blood, according to our colleagues from The Channel press. Because of this case, he was summoned to the court of Coutances this Tuesday, October 11, 2022. And the 54-year-old man would have kept a low profile by apologizing and evoking his fragile health and his depressive state.

The court finally sentenced to 3 months in prison, with a probationary suspension of 2 yearsaccompanied by a obligation to treat alcoholism. That’s not all ! His license was also suspended for a period of 6 months, again according to information from The Channel press.

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