Love is in the meadow: Big disappointment in love for a candidate with an ex-suitor

Julie unfortunately knows only too well what it is to experience a disillusionment in love. After having lived a two-year romance with her suitor Jean-Michel, the candidate of Love is in the meadow 2017 (M6) attempted to rebuild. Then she got closer to another man who had written to her after the broadcast of her portrait. Sadly one-sided love.

“I met a friend who is very dear to me too. He is my best friend but I am very much in love. (…) Today, I am waiting to see what life will hold for me. don’t necessarily seek because my feelings are quite strong, so it doesn’t matter if it goes one day further with him or not, I let myself be guided“, told us the beautiful 39-year-old horse breeder at the end of May. A subject that she again raised with our colleagues from Current wife.

Julie recalled that after her breakup with Jean-Michel in 2019, she had “recontacted someone who [lui] had written just after the broadcast of [son] portrait, but who didn’t want to go through the show“The two got to know each other in this way and, over time, he became her best friend. But for her part, the charming blonde – who lost a lot of weight – ended up developing romantic feelings.”While he on his side, no. This person is everything I’m looking for. He doesn’t want more. He was kind enough to allow us to take a little distance. But this bond will never be severed“, she clarified.

Her best friend let her know that maybe one day he would see her as more than just a friend. “But today, his life and his wounds make it that way. I don’t know how life will evolve this bond. I don’t want to look elsewhere. On the other hand, maybe we’ll put someone in my way. But I’m not going to take the step of finding someone because I have to move on. I don’t need to be in a relationship like I used to be“, concluded Julie. The future will therefore tell her if it is accompanied, or not, that she will continue her journey. In any case, she has not given up the idea of ​​becoming a mother.

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