Love is in the meadow: An ex-candidate goes into politics and faces first setbacks

In 2013, in season 8 of Love is in the meadow, viewers were able to meet the very endearing Philippe Riché. After having shared his adventures of the heart, the winemaker from Charente-Maritime has been talking about him again in recent days for something else. He decided to go into politics. Indeed, as revealed by our colleagues from South Westhe is standing in the legislative elections, the first round of which will take place on June 12, and is a candidate in the third constituency of Charente-Maritime (which includes the municipalities of Saintes and Saint-Jean-d’Angély).

Unfortunately, Philippe’s campaign got off to a very bad start. And for good reason, the 55-year-old farmer lamented no less than three not insignificant mistakes about him. The first is that he was called “Maurice” instead of “Philippe” by the prefecture. Then, and this is undoubtedly what annoyed him the most, the ex-candidate of M6 was cataloged as a “right-wing sovereignist”, then, after a first correction, “various sovereigntist”. A shame for those who defend the opposition. “I’ve always been on the left, on the other side! Above all, I am independent“, he wanted to let our colleagues know. He still defends a party, that of the Citizen Front. “One thing is certain. I am for a radical change of the whole system. I am against neoliberal politics, the ECB, Europe, for the exit from NATO“, he confided. Note that Philippe Riché is not in his first election. In 2017 already, he tried his luck in the legislative elections under the colors of the De-globalization Party and obtained 0.10% of the votes. .

Moreover, the latest news, Philippe has still not found his soul mate. After a brief love affair in 2018 with a young woman he met while carpooling, he regained his single status. However, the following year during an interview for Star TV, he assured not to despair: “It must exist somewhere!“, he exclaimed, speaking of the woman of his life. That’s all we wish for him.

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