Love is in the meadow: A transformed farmer, he has redone his teeth… pushed by Karine Le Marchand

On February 14, Jean, a 60-year-old suckler cow breeder, moved millions of viewers on M6, during the broadcast of his portrait in Love is in the meadow. The farmer from the Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes region had opened his heart to Karine Le Marchand, telling him about the many difficulties encountered in his love life. And it is a much changed Jean that viewers will find on August 22 on M6.

As we approach the resumption of the 17th season with speed dating shot in Paris, M6 has already broadcast a few sequences on its Instagram page and that of Love is in the meadow. The opportunity to discover that Jean is no longer the same man as when he painted his portrait.

Indeed, the man of 60, father of 3 children, has chosen to redo his teeth … and Karine Le Marchand is not for nothing. It is therefore with a magnificent smile that he welcomed his suitors in Paris, a smile that suits him perfectly and that we discover in this sequence.

Faced with Corinne, Jean has a hard time hiding his shyness and a long silence settles between them. Unaccustomed to finding himself in this kind of situation, he who had never been to Paris, the breeder of suckler cows then drops this awkward sentence to his suitor: “I’m curious to know what you can offer me.

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