Love is in the meadow: A farmer sells her farm and changes her life! She dumps everything and explains…

However, a few days earlier, on March 12, 2022 precisely, Carole spoke on video, still on the social network for sharing images. This mother of six indicated that she was selling her farm! “I sell my property. My house, my farm, all that. It’s a choice, a change in my life. I’m going to change regions, maybe to go to the Dordogneshe says. Alone, it’s not easy. So I chose to do something a little flatter for myself.“And to clarify that it isa “different life“Where She Stays”still a farmer but in miniature : “I always keep my Saint-Bernards, I’m going to make the lodging, my little caravan. I take a few animals with me, a lot less but I bring some anyway.

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