Love is in the meadow: A contender thinned by 30 kilos, she talks about her physical transformation

Monday October 10, 2022, M6 viewers discovered a new episode of Love is in the meadow. Thus, they were able to follow the continuation of the adventures of Jean or Alain. At the end of the broadcast, the most impatient Internet users were able to preview the next episode on Salto. The opportunity to find Guillaume, 28-year-old suckler cow breeder. During a one-on-one with one of his suitors, he learned more about her past.

At the end of the speed-dating, the farmer invited Margaux (22), a student in psychology and Noemie (28-year-old town clerk). But it is for the latter that Guillaume fell in love and, on the advice of Karine Le Marchand, he intends to make her understand. After breakfast, he therefore took the charming brunette with him to the chicken coop and took the opportunity to have a little chat. He asked her why she was much more reserved than her rival (with whom she gets along very well). Noémie therefore confessed that she did not want to hurt her.

The young woman also explained that originally she was “not extroverted either“.”Basically I’m shy as a girl“, she assured. Guillaume then confided that he did not understand why a girl as pretty as Noémie was single. The opportunity to learn more about her past. “Beauty can’t be eaten in a salad already. And I don’t necessarily want people to judge me on how pretty I look. I haven’t always been the superficial girl. Besides, I’m still not, it’s still an aspect that I give. Before I was 30 kilos heavier, therefore necessarily self-esteem was not the same thing. And if I haven’t found, it’s because I shouldn’t have found. I trust fate“, she revealed.

Confidences that certainly touched the heart of the candidate who already had a preference for the young woman. So, will they realize their attraction? Reply soon…

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