Love is in the meadow – A contender leaves the shoot: a scene off in question, the farmer swings

Monday September 26, 2022, M6 broadcast a new episode of Love is in the meadow. The opportunity for viewers to find Karine Le Marchand but also and above all the various farmers who have invited their suitors to their homes. This is how Alexandre found himself going on a horseback ride with Laura, a 32-year-old Norman who dreams of starting a family and settling in the countryside and Annaïg, a 27-year-old Breton girl who works in as an educator in a home for teenagers. But not everything went as planned… Indeed, Laura made the decision to leave! A radical choice that the breeder of dairy cows can perhaps explain.

Very sensitive, Laura could not contain her emotion during this perfect moment. The young woman let tears of joy flow and Alexander was somewhat awkward, asking her to calm down. Later, the young woman indicated that certain things “may not be able to do it“with the farmer.”The fact that my sensitivity may bother you … I have the impression that you have trouble understanding mee”, she confessed to him. It was then that he took the opportunity to reveal that he had a weakness for Annaïg. “I felt it and I leave with no regrets, I met golden people“, replied Laura, who agreed to spend the evening with the relatives of the candidate … before finally announcing his sudden departure.

According to Alexandre, it was a scene that occurred earlier in the day that would have changed everything between them. “She was happy, it’s a pleasure. I don’t even understand why she cried. She’s a very nice person, I’m not going to criticize her, I respect her“, he launches thus to our colleagues of Entertainment TV. And to explain what bothered Laura, according to him: “She blamed me for not getting off my horse but I was afraid that he would run away. That’s what she blamed me for before she left. I ride horses but not often, that’s why I couldn’t get off.“A clumsiness that already provides a first element of response to this rather unexpected turn of events on the screen…

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