love coaches are flourishing on the Internet

These guides to love life, more and more numerous on social networks, often broadcast a clichéd vision of seduction.



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Thanks to social networks, there are more and more love coaches.  (illustrative photo).  (BEST VIEW STOCK / BEST VIEW STOCK RF)

Accounts on TikTok, Instagram or even YouTube, the presence on social networks has become essential for “love coaches”, or love coaches, in French, to reach as many people as possible. Regain confidence, gain self-esteem to find the right person or repair a relationship that is failing, this is the promise of these advisors, some followed by hundreds of thousands of people.

“How to get your ex back?”, “Identify a toxic person from the first minutes”, “Your date wants to split the bill, should you run away?”, “How to use your body language to successfully seduce?” : so many questions that can be answered on video. For a more personalized approach, these coaches then offer individual sessions, often by telephone or video, for prices ranging from 60 to around a hundred euros for an hour up to nearly 300 euros for a situation analysis by email. and two other follow-up emails.

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No diploma required

Love coaches sell themselves by highlighting their experience, sometimes their number of subscribers on social networks, but rarely a diploma training, since the latter is not legally required to practice this profession. Certification training exists and the coaches are often former psychology or human sciences students. However, it remains difficult to differentiate professionals from Internet users who share their personal experiences on social networks. True or not? You’re better than that How to seduce a man #love #women #breakup ♬ Stories 2 – Danilo Stankovic

Despite taking into account new forms of seduction and the rise of dating applications, used by more than two million French people in 2023, the coaches’ comments sometimes refer to flirting clichés, in addition to being essentially focused on the model of the heterosexual couple. Some claim to be able to support LGBT+ people just as well, but when it comes to the advice available to everyone on the platforms, American love coaches are much more diverse.

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