Love Again | The line that Celine Dion did not want to say

Celine Dion was anything but tough while filming love again, a romantic comedy expected in theaters next Friday. In an interview, the director of the film, James C. Strouse, however, reveals a moment when the Quebec artist seems to have played the divas: when she refused to say a line.

Before disclosing the famous sentence that Celine Dion never wanted to say, let’s emphasize how much James C. Strouse “adored” working with the interpreter. In virtual meeting on Zoomthe American filmmaker and screenwriter speaks of a “great kindness” star, a gifted actress, “open and ready to let go”, and a consummate professional who knew her lines by heart.

But since she was playing her own role on screen, the queen of Las Vegas sometimes had reservations about certain portions of the dialogue.

The example Strouse reported came when she was filming a phone conversation with Mira, a character championed by Priyanka Chopra Jonas. Originally, Mira was to ask Celine, “How did you find my number?” “And this one had to answer:” I am Celine Dion. I can have anything I want! »

“Céline turned to me and said, ‘It’s not something I would say,’ says James C. Strouse. She didn’t want to look arrogant. And that’s why I love him. »

Operation seduction

Based on a popular 2016 German film adapted from a novel by writer Sofie Cramer, love again (in French, love again) tells the story of Mira, a woman who, to ease her grief after the tragic loss of her fiancé, begins to send romantic text messages to the deceased’s phone number… unaware that it has been assigned to Rob ( Sam Heughan), a journalist in charge of painting the portrait of a certain Celine Dion.


Sam Heughan and Priyanka Chopra Jonas in love again

In the original German work, the star at the heart of the story was made up from scratch: a fictional singer larger than life. It’s not an avenue that James C. Strouse and the entire Sony Pictures subsidiary Screen Gems bosses behind love againwanted to explore.

They wanted “a real singer”, with songs that “reflect the spirit of the film”. And Celine Dion was their number one choice… even if they more or less believed in their chances that she would answer yes.

“Despite everything, we said to ourselves: ‘Let’s think big!’ We crossed our fingers…”

Without knowing if Celine Dion was interested, James C. Strouse began to “study” her subject, watching dozens of interviews on YouTube. “I wanted to examine her way of speaking, her rhythm… I wanted to write tailor-made lines for her, so that she really felt that they were coming from her. »


Director James C. Strouse while filming love again

The screenwriter’s work Grace Is Gone (2007) eventually paid off, but after a (very) long wait. “It’s not easy to get in touch with Celine Dion… And that’s completely normal. It’s an icon. It’s not supposed to be easy to get in touch with an icon! »

Once the script was completed, in November 2019, Strouse and three studio bonzes flew to Minneapolis, where Celine Dion was performing a sold-out show at Target Center. Their objective was clear: to convince her to accept their offer. The evening did not quite go as they had imagined.

We talked a lot with his management team. It was obvious that they had gone through the script. They knew the movie inside out. I thought it was a good sign, because if they had taken so much time to study it, it means they were interested.

James C. Strouse, director of love again

The director finally met Celine Dion a few minutes before she went on stage. “They said to me, ‘You can say hello to her, but don’t bother her too much.’ My heart was beating hard. They took me to a room, then she arrived. She was so kind and elegant. She said to me, “I heard you were making a movie? Sounds intriguing.” I was paralyzed! I must have had round eyes like marbles. I also had to have a silly smile split from ear to ear! »


Director James C. Strouse took care to write tailor-made lines for Celine Dion, “so that she really felt they came from her.”

Almost a month later, Celine Dion broke the radio silence: she was ready.

Everywhere anyway

Although she has limited screen time (a dozen minutes, spread over a few scenes), Celine Dion is everywhere in love again. An excerpt from the music video ofIt’s All Coming Back To Me Nowold photos of her that appear in the background (era “the voice of the good Lord”), characters that explicitly quote her song lyrics (That’s the Way It Is, I’m alive), his great successes that resonate in the background (Where Does My Heart Beat Now, All By Myself), a more obscure piece which is the subject of a mention (Have You Ever Been in Love), musicians who play an instrumental version of When I Fall in Love… You could almost think it’s a tribute movie.

“I became a fan while writing the screenplay, admits James C. Strouse. In fact, I must have been an unwitting fan, because in Minneapolis, during his show, I realized one thing that amazed me: I knew the words to every song by heart. Every song! »


Even though she has limited screen time, Celine Dion is everywhere in the film.

The professional and personal life of Céline Dion visibly inspired Strouse, since three times during the film, we can hear the singer and mother of three children talk about René Angélil. An intimate subject that he approached “with great respect”. “I dared because it was consistent with the story. But it was a risk. It worried me. »

In the end, the filmmaker believes he has won his bet, since these sequences are among his most successful.

My eyes mist up every time I see the scene where she talks about her first kiss with René. She was not afraid to go into emotion, to dive into it, to show her vulnerability and to do her part.

James C. Strouse, director of love again

Celine Dion being Celine Dion, no one will be surprised to learn that between takes, she was transformed into a little clown. “She brought incredible energy to the set,” says James C. Strouse. She entertained the whole team. Everyone had a good time when she was around. He really is a good person. »

Celine Dion, who recently revealed that she has a rare neurological disorder called Moersch-Woltman syndrome, which prevents her from resuming her musical career, was unable to ensure the promotion of love againwhich marks his film debut.

love again (in French, love again) hits theaters on Friday, May 5.

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  • 5 new songs
    love again includes five new Celine Dion songs. In addition to the title track, a piano/acoustic guitar ballad dealing with the mourning of a loved one, we find The Gift, I’ll Be, Waiting on You And Love of My Life. This last piece is the result of the work of Justin Tranter (Justin Bieber, Imagine Dragons) and Stephan Moccio, a faithful collaborator who has been in his orbit for A New Day Has Comein 2002.

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