Louise Sigouin leaves the Order of Sexologists

Louise Sigouin, the show’s popular sexologist If we loved each other announced Friday in an open letter that she was retiring from the Ordre des sexologues du Québec. A departure which occurs after the official filing of a complaint against Ms. Sigouin on April 14 before the Disciplinary Council following a long investigation process.

In a document obtained by The dutythe Ordre des sexologues mentions that the analysis of the information gathered during its investigation into the role of Louise Sigouin within If we loved each other “demonstrated significant ethical faults with regard to several articles of the OPSQ code of ethics. Given the extent of the breaches, we decided to file a complaint against Ms. Sigouin before the Disciplinary Council of the Order”. This complaint follows requests for inquiries made by viewers.

According to our sources, a second complaint would be filed in the coming weeks following, this time, reports made by participants of the show.

Louise Sigouin said she was upset by the complaint lodged against her “considering that this is the first complaint of any kind that has been brought against me in my 30-year career”.

Louise Sigouin has in the same breath confirmed her participation in the fourth season of If we loved each other.

“This action seems to me to be the only possible solution that will allow me to pursue my commitments with complete peace of mind towards the participants of the 4th season of If we loved each other and towards Duo Productions, while resolving the situation with the Order,” says Ms. Sigouin.

The departure of Louise Sigouin from the Professional Order of Sexologists of Quebec does not mean that she will not have to face the Disciplinary Council. “Depending on the outcome of the complaint, I will make a decision as to my subsequent membership with the Order,” she explained in an open letter published on the Journal de Montréal website.

Louise Sigouin believes that her membership of the Order does not seem necessary to her for the pursuit of her activities in the context of docureality “or even in the support that I offer to my clients. […] My expertise in sexology is secondary in the context of the show: it is my approach to the 5 dualities which has a considerable positive impact in the concept of the show”, she believes.

A word to participants

In her open letter, Louise Sigouin also said she was challenged by the allegations revealed by the investigation of the To have to on April 9th. Four participants from the three seasons of If we loved each other had indeed denounced what they considered to be ethical breaches on the part of the sexologist.

“If the participants experienced the feeling of not having been adequately accompanied and supported during their appearance on the television show, despite the help and measures put in place, know that this concerns me greatly”, specifies Louise Sigouin. .

Ms. Sigouin said that she had collaborated with the Order for two years, as had Duos Productions, the show’s producer, but that she would not comment on the content of the complaint “out of respect for the ongoing disciplinary process […] since the proof is not yet communicated”.

Louise Sigouin specifies that she would have communicated with the Order since 2016 to “present the television project in which she intended to participate as an expert in relational support and sexologist”. “I wanted to take steps with the Order in order to respect my ethical obligations considering that this project was totally new and innovative,” she specifies in her letter.

TVA and Duo productions did not wish to grant an interview to the To have to.

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