Louise Jallu, worthy heir to bandoneonist Astor Piazzolla




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One hundred years after his birth, the creative madness of bandoneonist Argentinian continues to be maintained by his heirs.

He would have been a hundred this year. the bandoneonist Argentinian Astor Piazzolla can count on the next generation to keep his legacy alive. Several decades ago, he had revolutionized the genre by infusing it with the freedom to create the tango Nuevo, to understand the new tango. Today, Louise Jallu continues the tradition. Since she was five years old, this 26-year-old artist has devoted herself to the bandoneon, this instrument designed in Germany and popularized in Argentina.

Piazzolla said that at the level of the range of the instrument we have like a violin in the right hand and a cello in the left hand“, recalls the young performer who studied this art with Argentine professors exiled in France. Today, as a nod to history, it is she who teaches this instrument at the Edgar-Varèse conservatory in Gennevilliers who created the first such course in Europe A radio concert imagined by Louise Jallu was broadcast on the evening of November 11th.


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