Louise Attaque celebrates the 25th anniversary of her first album with a marathon of concerts at the Élysée Montmartre

The face of a little girl with big eyes, drawn in black with childish features. We all know this album cover, that of the indestructible hits I bring you with wind Where Your invitation of the group Louise Attaque. This album was released in 1997 and sold nearly three million copies.

Twenty-five years later, to celebrate its birthday, the three members of the group – Gaëtan Roussel on vocals, Arnaud Samuel, Robin Felix and Nicolas Musset, a young bassist who joined them – meet on Tuesday April 26 to replay this album during a marathon of concerts, lasting one hour each. Six shows in total, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., at the Élysée Montmartre in the 18th arrondissement of Paris.

Louise Attaque celebrates the 25th anniversary of her first album – Le reportage de Sophie Allemand


At 11 sharp hours, the doors close, 800 people surround a square stage in the center of the room. And immediately, the catchy music of I bring you with wind begin. “At the time we sang the Parisian evenings, now we could sing the matinees”, jokes the singer Gaëtan Roussel. Before launching, the famous tube: “Come on, I’ll take you upwind. I’ll take you above people.”

Very quickly, we realize that the fans have not forgotten the lyrics: “I realize that with each new song I know everything by heart.” Agnès and her friend have very good memories with Louise Attaque: “It’s memories of adolescence. The memory comes back to each word. They have aged but so have we and they provide.”

“When I was in my twenties, we met on Saturday nights in a bar. There was a moment when they played several Louise Attaque songs and the bar was heaving. Everyone was jumping and dancing, it was incredible.”

The crowd starts singing “happy birthday” to thank the group. At the exit, a single word comes back: “Thank you, thank you, thank you Louise Attaquelaunches a spectator. We adore them and I hope it’s not over because seeing them twenty-five years later is a great pleasure and they’re fired up.”

The day can resume for the first group of spectators. “I’m going to take a shower because in the end I jumped and sweated a lot”explains a spectator who has the impression of having done her morning sports session: “It was a bit of cardio with the live concert at the same time.”

After the one at 11 a.m., there are still five concerts to be performed during the day. For this, there is a well-oiled organization. The next group has already arrived. Joël, security guard, manages the queue on the boulevard: “We had to anticipate the routing of the public, it’s true that indoors it’s very rare to do six concerts in a row.”

The shows were sold out with 800 to 1,000 spectators each time, nearly 6,000 fans in total are expected during the day. For those who cannot come, the 7 p.m. concert is broadcast live.


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