Louise and Noémie’s crazy 1200km wheel ski challenge to save lives

These Bretons have embarked on a completely crazy sporting challenge from Brittany to the Spanish border. To collect donations for research against pediatric cancers, Louise and Noémie spin at full speed for 1,200 km on roller skis.

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We discover this very original means of transport and the challenge of foufou in this live interview. Louise and Noémie are, at the time of the live broadcast, departing from Malestroit for today’s stage.

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Noëmie Sollier and Louise Villemagne created the Lucio association to collect donations for research against pediatric cancers through challenges and sporting events. After a few sporting events, Noémie and Louise attract attention to their rolling machines resembling rollerblades.

Noémie and Louise on roller skis
Association Lucio

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Roscoff Hendaye on roller skis
Roscoff Hendaye on roller skis
Association Lucio

Today’s stage of this live interview takes them from Malestroit to Redon in the heart of Brittany. Find this facebook Live in the Oust valley, on the Nantes to Brest Canal.

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A few years ago, a member of Louise’s family was diagnosed with leukemia when she was 2 years old. To support the family in their fight against the disease, Louise and Noémie realized that they could raise funds for the Lucio association. Personalized TShirts have caught the eye in the hospital during chemotherapy. Faced with this observation, the sale of these T-shirt creations has added financial strength to the association which supports families affected by childhood cancer.

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Even though Lucio’s situation has improved, the girls continue their challenges for the association. In 2021, they had already surprised by connecting Lyon to Marseille on rollerblades while pushing a cart. They had managed to collect 2000 euros for the association. “The goal is to stand out” confessed Louise and Noémie. Their friends pushed the two athletes to embark on a new adventure. Here they are on roller skis between Roscoff and Hendaye.

Their friends tell them they are crazy but are not surprised. Encouraged, you can also join this momentum of solidarity on this HelloAsso page dedicated to the Lucio association.

For the association Lucio
For the association Lucio
Association Lucio

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