Louis (Star Academy) at its worst? This meaningful message that challenges

On November 26, the “Star Academy” closed its doors after six intense weeks of competition. A competition during which the candidates gave their all. If only one big winner has been named, all seem to have great opportunities. This week, several of them were present at the Leclerc shopping center in Saint-Herblain to meet their fans. Pure happiness for Louis who did not fail to share this exceptional event on social networks. Visibly under the spell of the young man, his admirers were numerous to send him messages of love. “Your hugs are the best, I was in tears, thank you very much, Louis”could we read.

The principal concerned, meanwhile, shared an enigmatic message. “But tell me, why me? I can’t. » Don’t worry, these are the lyrics to his first single. A title entitled “Not even badly” which already promises to be unanimous among music lovers.

Louis cash on Anisha

Since leaving the castle, the young man hasn’t stopped. And he shares everything with his community. On December 17, he also wanted to come back to the rumors of harassment against his comrade Anisha. Harassment that he denies en bloc. “You don’t have the whole vision, you just have what you see on social media”he confided before continuing: “He is a very, very shy person, who is very reserved and who needs to find himself a little alone”. He also added: “Yes, sometimes she was all alone, but it’s because we left that thing to her [son droit à sa solitude, NDLR], and that we didn’t want to impose ourselves to annoy him. He’s someone I love very much. I respect her a lot, she is talented, and she totally deserves this victory. » Enough to silence the gossips.


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