Louis Laforge sick in secret and operated: he gives details of his cancer the size of a “golf ball”

On August 27, Louis Laforge made a shock announcement on his social networks. The Franceinfo journalist revealed that he was secretly operated on for cancer a year ago by sharing a photo of him on a hospital bed. Now in remission and back on the air for several months, Louis Laforge has despite everything been the subject of a subject in It’s up to you Thursday, September 1. Anne-Elisabeth Lemoin indeed wished to collect the testimony of her colleague, this “survivor“which commands admiration.

The emblematic figure of Franceinfo notably had the opportunity to confide in the way in which his illness was announced to him. “I don’t think I’m particularly cozy or hypochondriac. But just before the summer of 2021, I was going on vacation and I didn’t want to leave with this question mark, this little discomfort, which was becoming a little pain. I went to see my GP, who gave me a CT scan. And the radiologist showed me on the scanner a golf ball, which had nothing to do on this image normally. I had it there, it was the kidney tumor, plus other weird little things“, he recalled.

To get out of it, Louis Laforge only had to be guided by his doctors to take care of him. Which was not so obvious for the 54-year-old journalist who is not used to not being in control: “You have to let go and trust those who take care of you. Because we do TV, we want to control everything: the schedule, the images, the time that passes, we are spoken to in the headset. Once you enter the hospital, you no longer control anything and you let yourself go“. Fortunately, everything went well thanks to the work of health professionals as he pointed out.

Determined to fight against his cancer, Louis Laforge also kept in mind the upcoming presidential election and hoped to be able to cover it on the radio. A successful bet since he had made his return in March 2022 and had thus been able to announce the victory of Emmanuel Macron a few weeks later. “I had ticked the cross on the calendar. Afterwards, I was not at all sure that I could do it and that I would be in good enough shape. Well, there we do not see it, but I was not 100%. I didn’t want to miss this one. It would have been a shame, because there were things to say, things to tell. I wanted to be there“, he explained.

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