Louis-José Houde is a dad | The Journal of Montreal

The magazine Featured Echoes revealed exclusively that comedian Louis-José Houde has been a dad for several months. The journalist Samuel Pradier had the confirmation of the news, without however obtaining the first name, the sex of the baby or the identity of the mother, the new lover of the comedian.

• Read also: Louis-José Houde hits the mark with his sublime parody of 1990s comedians

This baby arrived at a good time, which seems to have been planned, since Louis-José decided to take a sabbatical year after the end of his tour. A thousand bad choices, last December. After 20 years of touring and five different shows, he felt the need to take a breather and take a step back. He also wrote at that time on his site: “In 2023 I am at home, and I am busy with domestic things. Sometimes I drink a little brandy in the basement on the sly.”

We imagine that he chose to take time to take care of his child. He also confided on his Facebook page: “I am now taking a long break and will cook cupcakes. I wish us more reading and less reality TV. More cinema and less telephone. More tenderness towards people who drive badly. Find humor in everything that irritates and weighs us down […] The rest will go on its own.”

We don’t know yet if he will resume hosting the ADISQ gala in the fall, but he still shot in the next film by Denys Arcand, Willwhich is slated for release next October.

We wish a lot of happiness to the little family.

Read all about cultural news in the latest edition of the magazine Featured Echoesavailable at newsstands and on jemagazine.ca.

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