“Louis Boyard is a hero!”, Cyril Hanouna reacts for the first time to the huge sanction of Arcom, reveals the future of “TPMP”!

Hard blow for C8. A few months after the altercation between Cyril Hanouna and Louis Boyard on the set of Do not touch My TV, the ARCOM (Audiovisual and digital communication regulatory authority, editor’s note) finally decided. This Thursday, February 9, 2023, the Canal + group channel was fined 3.5 million euros. A punishment that visibly leaves the troublemaker of the PAF unmoved. “Louis Boyard is a hero”he launched ironically in the last issue of TPMP before declaring that he would not “no comments”. “Now that we have taken 3.5 million fines, we will do low-budget happenings”he added with humor while thanking his loyal viewers. “Thank you for being there every night. Thank you to all the people who come in the public. That’s the most important. We are on top here. Let the haters comment”.

A shock sequence

This decision follows the violent exchange between Cyril Hanouna and Louis Boyard which occurred on November 10, 2022 on the set of TPMP. Invited to discuss the humanitarian ship Ocean Viking and migration, the LFI deputy had questioned the freedom of the press before criticizing the billionaire Vincent Bolloré, owner of the Canal + group and the C8 channel. The politician and former columnist had notably accused the latter of“to impoverish Africa”. To which Baba replied with virulence: “You are a piece of shit”. He had also insulted his guest of“jerk”of “jester” and of “fucker”. A sequence that had caused a lot of ink to flow.

At the time, Louis Boyard ended up leaving the show in a rage before announcing his decision to file a complaint on social networks: “I am going to file a complaint with a thought for the millions of people who have been insulted […] every time ‘TPMP’ invited the far right and made racist and Islamophobic remarks on their shows”. An attack to which Cyril Hanouna had chosen to respond.


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