Louis Aliot denounces “a call for air for additional immigration”

The executive’s proposal to create a “short-term occupations” residence permit is “a call for air to additional immigration”, estimates Thursday, November 3 on France Inter Louis Aliot, mayor National Rally of Perpignan and candidate for the presidency of his party. This proposal will be included in the asylum and immigration bill debated in the first half of 2023.

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The elected RN believes that we must first ask ourselves the question of the attractiveness of these jobs in tension before allowing irregular workers to occupy the positions. “Of course there are jobs in tension, but what are the government’s incentives, what training does it offer, what level of salary do we give?”, asks Louis Aliot, who sees “the opportunity to talk about these subjects that we never hear about”.

This “call for immigration” must not, he said, “weigh down on wages”. “Young people are asking to be better paid, better trained, and expect to be offered the opportunity to work”adds Louis Aliot, convinced that employers must be encouraged to increase wages by lowering their employers’ contributions. “Young people are lost, employers too, and the easy way is to bring people from elsewhere, it’s bad policy”he says.

The candidate for the presidency of the RN recognizes, however, that there is “surely cases that should be regularized”that “already allows the Valls circular to be made at the request of employers”. He regrets that immigration laws are linked together without being applied. “Each government wants to make its immigration law, for 40 years, all left and right governments have made a political display of it but it is never followed by effect on the ground”judge the elected RN. “If we had applied the measures a long time ago, we would not be here”, continues Louis Aliot. For him, “we systematically run after the problem” and “we don’t go far enough”.

The RN is in favor of a law more “restrictive, more logical and more explicit” that the current executive project, assures the mayor of Perpignan, in particular concerning the visa policy which, according to him, must be operated as a “money change” to the application of the obligations to leave the territory (OQTF). Louis Aliot believes that the government “did not try” and does it badly on this subject, in particular vis-à-vis Algeria, with whom relations have been strained around the question of visas. “When he goes to Algiers, it’s to flatten himself on questions of memory”he considers.

The measures put forward by the government to make OQTFs more effective are seen, at this stage, “like an announcement effect” by Louis Aliot, who “wait to see in the law”. This issue, immigration in general, he believes, “would deserve a major national debate decided by referendum”.

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