Louane’s big rant!

We can’t stop Louane. On December 8, the young woman revealed during season 2 of “The Voice” released her new album, called “Sentiment”. Through this opus, the one who spins the perfect love with the musician Florian Rossi is revealed through ten very intimate titles. This Sunday, December 11, the one who received the César for best female hope in 2015 for the film “The Aries Family” was received on the show “Let yourself be tempted” on RTL to discuss this new album.

It was also an opportunity for the multifaceted artist to also confide in his flaws and in particular his complexes in a society that forgives nothing. “I think it’s very related to society. You have to understand that when you’re 12, it’s the age when I became aware of my body and when I started to feel bad about myself. At 12, if not younger for current generations, we compared ourselves with our girlfriends. I remember, I felt bad because I didn’t necessarily have the body of some, others felt bad because they were too thin, others felt bad because they were too tall…” , she remembered.

The interpreter of “Avenir” unpacked on the airwaves everything she had on her heart and continued her rant: “Even today, when you’re in this society with injunctions, it’s difficult to love yourself and that’s something I also see around me. It happens to everyone. Sometimes it’s a passing, sometimes it’s longer, but we can get by. Me, there are days when I’m doing really well and there are days when it’s shit”, she revealed, in all sincerity.

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