Louane victim of grossophobic attacks: “Yes, I don’t have the same body as 3 years ago”

During an interview with Parisian, Wednesday November 17, 2021, Louane retraced his daily life in recent years. Because since 2018, the young woman of 25 years is still not back on stage. Between the release of her third album, her complicated pregnancy and the coronavirus pandemic, she gained a little weight. This has earned him many reviews on the Web.

Because after the birth of her daughter Esmée (born in March 2020 from her relationship with musician Florian Rossi), Louane has received criticism of her forms. Negative remarks that the singer and juror of The Voice Kids was ready to receive. “I expected such reactions because, for years, people have been commenting all my life. From the moment you’re in the light, you’re gonna take it in the face, that’s how it is“, she lamented, before adding:”The saddest thing is those who waste time commenting on someone else’s body on social media. Because me, my life is going very well.“Very fortunately, to face the criticisms on her physique, Louane considers herself lucky to be well surrounded:” JI am surrounded by an ultra-benevolent team, I have a great family. So yeah, I don’t have the same body as three years ago but strangely I feel much better today.

Following his participation in The Voice in 2013 (edition won by Yoann Fréget), Louane sometimes had to face somewhat recalcitrant fans. During an interview with Purepeople.com, this Thursday, November 18, the singer who recently had a tattoo chosen by her darling remembered a terrible altercation with one of her fans. “I think my worst encounter with a fan, (…) was a guy who wanted a picture when I was late and pulled my hair to take the picture with me while I was running, “she indicated. A mishap that marked her a lot and which encouraged her to always travel with a bodyguard.

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