Louane in love: she reveals this madness made out of love for her darling Florian

The love story between Louane and her darling Florian Rossi is unparalleled. Madly in love with each other, the latter constantly prove it to each other on a daily basis. As proof, this Friday, December 3, 2021. The singer and actress of 25 years was the guest of the show Tchi Tcha on Canal + to promote the film Beautiful, scheduled in theaters on December 29th. And on the set of the show, the latter returned to this act that she undertook out of love.

Faced with journalist Laurie Cholewa, curious to know the craziest thing that Louane has achieved in her life, the young singer has unveiled a surprising anecdote to say the least. I did more than twenty hours of plane on a whim, pregnant, to find my boyfriend, for like five days, remembered Esme’s mother (born in March 2020). A beautiful proof of love from the mother of a family who never runs out of praise for the one who shares her life.

“One-sided love at first sight”

Previously received on the podcast Bliss Stories, Louane spoke about his first meeting with the one who shares his daily life today. “I met him, it was in 2017, in July or in August 2017. I am between my first and my second album, my second album will be released in the fall, and I will start a new tour, precisely I meeting to play for me. It was a real blow. One-sided love at first sight“, she explained, before continuing, not without revelations:”Afterwards I was so stupid, it was horrible, I was with my manager, we asked her questions (…) I was unable to ask them. He was hired right away. “

Only downside, his current companion was at the time in a relationship. From then on, Louane took refuge in the most complete silence. “Eight months of secrets, of saying nothing and keeping everything to myself (…) He was with someone so for me it was not possible. I think it has been seen in a few small moments but I made sure that it was not captured“, she then indicated.

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