Louane: His first “crush” is a well-known boy …

Louane is living a prosperous period. The 25-year-old singer just received platinum certification for her latest album Joy of living, released in 2020. A very good performance for the young mother who has always led several projects at the same time. Soon, she will be showing at Beautiful, a Japanese animated film in which she doubles as the main character. A role that she likes well since it is close to a universe that she knows very well, manga.

In interview for The Parisian on Sunday December 5, Esme’s mother (born in March 2020) looks back on her youth and in particular her great passion for cult manga, Pokemon. “I bought, collected cards and played at school. I read magazines, manga. And of course, I spent a lot of time on my Game Boy Color with video games.”, she specifies, before making a confession, to say the least surprising: “I loved the characters: Sacha, the hero, this is my first “Crush” of a little girl … “, she recalls. We imagine that she is not the only one in this case!

These are lovely childhood memories

If it was not really real, Louane’s first young girl’s emotion therefore comes from a work of Japanese animation. “These are lovely childhood memories”, summarizes the one who changed hair color recently. A passion for manga that the artist has even gone so far as to inscribe on her skin. “I have a tattoo of a Death Note character on my forearm. And I just got a Belle tattoo too …”, she reveals.

Louane is not the only comic book fan at home, since his companion Florian Rossi is not insensitive to it either. Enough to suggest that little Esme should get started soon. “With me and her daddy, who is a fan of Dragon Ball and other manga, she will be sure to bathe in it too”, concludes the interpreter of Day 1.

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